Amoureax by Eve Arnold

Readers Revealed - A Roll Call

I would really love it if any folk who have been reading this blog since it started not so long ago take a moment to introduce themselves. I have taken this idea from Wes Daniels of Gathering in the Light, an emerging Quaker.

If you care to, please tell me a bit about who you are, where you're from, what are your interests etc. etc. If you have your own blog, please post the link, I'd love to read it.

Philip Adams would always address his radio program to Gladys, his one listener. I expect I have about as many readers, but I would love to be surprised.

Peace to you my reader,



Hey Harry,
I was always confused by Phillip Adams and his 'Gladys'. I thought it was a contraction for Gentlemen and ladies or something. Then someone explained it to me and I thought that either Phillip or I was stupid.

So, hi, I'm Nathan and I live in Perth. I read Harry's blog not only because he's my friend, but because of his interesting thoughts on some topics that interest me, especially Anabaptism. My theological interest is centred on radical church.

I might steal this idea of asking readers to introduce themselves if it works. There's got to be some way to get more comments.

January 4, 2008 at 12:01 AM  

Hi Harry!
I'm reading from the central coast of California. I've been exploring themes of post-modernism, social and environmental justice and the church -- and your posts are always interesting and thought-provoking.

January 4, 2008 at 12:10 PM  

G’day Hazza and his ‘gladys’ (I love Phillip Adams... there’s something wonderfully confessional about lapsed communist who drive a red sports car).

I live with Harry and others in a support group for ‘sinners anonymous’ and ‘recovering consumers’ that we call the Peace Tree community in one of Perth’s lowest socio-economic areas because my life has been hijacked by God’s love which has started to flood creation through Jesus. (A bit more about me/us here:

I read here cause Haz shares my heart for a gospel large enough to do Jesus justice and truly be good news to all of creation. More so these aren’t just abstract wanky discussions for Harry but concrete struggles with angles, himself and community on daily basis.

Thank you Harry for not just being brilliant thinker but a humble brother and follower of our Lord.

Thank you for the way it leaves you walking differently (even if limping).

January 4, 2008 at 11:08 PM  

@Nathan - Thanks for your encouragement.

@Maria - Wow. I didn't really expect to have someone reading from such a far flung place. Welcome. I look forward to more of your reflections.

@Jarrod - Thanks for your inspiration and support.

Its already encouraging to have you all respond. Thanks for taking the time. I hope that we can engage in some more fruitful conversations.


January 5, 2008 at 12:50 AM  

I'm Simon. I'm here mostly because I'm a huge fan of Harry (by which I mean that I like Harry a lot, not that I'm an enormously overweight person who just happens to be a fan of Harry). Oh, and thanks again for the signed photos Harry, you look great in that 'pensive' pose.

Other than gushing the virtues of Harry (of which there are MANY! my stars! where to begin?) I am a husband, Baptist minister from Melbourne and father of two amazing girls. I am also dabbling in permaculture and dragging myself by my lips in the direction of nonviolence (which, as you can imagine is a slow and often painful process). Did I say I love Jesus yet? 'Cos I do.

Though I've had little time to blog lately, I'm occasionally spotted foraging on the interweb in the region of

January 5, 2008 at 3:38 AM  

@Simon - No-one could be more your fan than me. I am still so impressed by your fresh produce.


January 8, 2008 at 5:30 AM  

Hey Harry, I've just started reading too. I know Harry through a different Perth Xn things, so was really excited to see that he's bloging. I've been blogging at for a while. My blog audience is very very small, but I blog mainly for my own sanity as I wrestle with faith and ideas than to be read. :)

January 16, 2008 at 4:06 AM  

@Chris - Hi. I had a look at your blog. Nice veggie patch. Thanks for dropping in. I hope you find something interesting.


January 16, 2008 at 6:22 PM  

Hi Harry

I've just found your blog. I know you through amuc and other lockridge stuff but havent seen you in a long time. so it's good to see what you are up to! I have just started blogging too at


January 29, 2008 at 3:39 PM  

@Kath - Hello. Its fantastic to have someone reading who doesn't have the luxury of being romantic about the agricultural lifestyle. I hope you keep me in line :) I loved your post about cows vs. cappuccinos.

January 29, 2008 at 3:57 PM  

Hi Harry, I'm Gladys.
It's funny how no-one thinks I'm real!! I must say I kind of enjoy it. I'm 62 years old, I have a very productive herb garden on my kitchen windowsill and Phillip Adams is a good friend of mine. I look forward to reading more of your reflections on communities, herbs, and other things, although I'm not very good with computers so I don't read very often...

February 23, 2008 at 6:17 AM  

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